Monday 16 September 2013

Even more people want to start a social enterprise

While searching the Internet I have found an interesting blog entry about the necessity of preferential treatment of social enterprises. I think this kind of treatment is a must if the social impact is large-scale.  Both the hunger of millions in developing countries and the different forms of disabilities in the developed countries are necessary to be solved.
In my opinion subsidies supporting social entrepreneurs are necessary as well, but I do not think of financial help at first. Social enterprises should be provided with knowledge or know-how first of all. You have to teach the poor the livestock breeding instead of giving them few chickens.
However, I agree with supporting social enterprises with subsidies, but just in case if this enterprise is promising: it has appropriate social impact or it is a promising start-up.  The writer of the blog entry would maybe disagree:
Social enterprises and preferential treatment here by Rolfe Larson Read on!

You can find another interesting topic in theguardian online. The headline is really eye-catching: lots of people want to start a social enterprise. It shows exact statistics that tell us that 7% of the whole population of UK wants to start a social enterprise. Among young people the numbers double up: 15 percent of the young people plan to start a social enterprise.

Social enterprise sounds popular, doesn’t it? If so, I got lucky, I will have stuff to write about… J

Unfortunately, intention and planning do not meet improvement and fulfilment. Only 1% starts a social enterprise, the other people remain opportunity seeker and do not become an entrepreneur.
I am interesting which factors holds them back. Are they financial or technical? Are they motivational or inspirational? What do they lack of who give up before starting?

Social enterprise facts are here by David Floyd. Read on!

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